Packing in preparation for freshman year before I leave my childhood home.
 Needed a map to get around for my first semester at Berkeley.
 Looks like Hogwarts from the outside, but what you expect of 200 boys on the inside.
 It’s Bowle’s Hall tradition to serenade the Stern girls.
 This was my first Cal football game I believe - pretty sure we lost.
 Looking back, late night meals were kinda ass, but fueled me throughout countless League sessions.
 I think I went paintballing for the first time. Got wrecked.
 For one week, I really enjoyed drawing a bunch of Diglets.
 Techno Committee - Asian American Association.
 Guess who got sent to the hospital?
 My hair actually smelled crispy.
 Looked like shit, felt like shit.
 Public laundry rooms in college freaking suck.
 Hiking Big C is always a great excuse to think about life.
 My first helicopter tour in South Carolina.
 My first time visiting Chinatown.
 All I did was slack off and play League of Legends.
 Asian American Association - Edward and Ashley.
 My first time at a theme park in California.
 First time in Santa Cruz with Asian American Association.
 Berkeley was just so incredibly beautiful.
 Loved Big C.
 My final note written somewhere in Bowles.
 Also written somewhere in Bowles.
 Exam hall on the basketball court was pretty dope.
 Moving out of the dorm - never again in my entire life will I have to suffer through dorm life again.
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