2017 has been an intensely entertaining year. Not only did I finally manage to graduate college, but I traveled outside the country (well China and Canada don't count) for the first time. This was the year my comfort zone was tested to the maximum as I traveled around the world alone in the span of 4 months. I also slacked off completely in my last semester of college and met new people and went on some pretty amazing adventures. This was also the year when I truly became a fully functioning adult (I hope) as I started working full time. In the span of one life changing year I went from inebriated dumbass college student to an adult with adult responsibilities.

I was a pretty good (ok average) student for the first 7 semesters of college. My last semester of college was a joke. I was taking half the units of a full time student and had so much time (and money) to go on spontaneous trips and hangouts. Notable domestic adventures during this period include going to New Orleans, Houston, Napa, Carmel, Monterey Bay, and Santa Cruz. With me finally turning 21, all these trips involved some form of alcohol. 10/10. Would do again.

Graduation was surreal. I kept thinking back on all the great memories I made in college and it made me a bit teary eyed. I never thought I would be able to relate to the seniors who always said that college would fly by in a blink of an eye, but boy were they right. During the graduation ceremony, I thought back to when I was a wide eyed freshman who didn't know what the future held. I thought about all the amazing people, adventures, and struggles I went through to become the person I am today. I guess time feels much different when you're going through the college grind.

For New Year's 2017 and the end of winter vacation, I was in Japan and Korea. Little did I know I would be going back less than a year later. Backpacking solo through Europe and Asia was an incredible experience. I learned more about myself in the span of a couple of months then I have ever had. As per yearly tradition, I also visited the extended family in China which always brings me back to harsh reality.

I started working full time in August of 2017. It was really difficult for me to get adjusted at first; it felt weird not going back to school and knowing that this wasn't an internship, I couldn't just leave in 12 weeks (well I could get fired or quit, not necessary great options). After a couple of months of adjustment, it began to feel normal, actually it even felt better than being a student. I get money and free time? Sign me up!

In one year I flew tens of thousands of miles (mmm those frequent flyer miles), met so many people, reinforced my previous friendships, and had so many fun adventures and experiences. 2017 wasn't without its flaws though and like most people you can't just live life knowing everything will run smoothly. But through those struggles and experiences, I can better improve as a person.  

2017 was a large turning point of my life. I know that in the future, looking back to this time, that I will remember these memories fondly. Hopefully future years can be just as amazing.